Occurred . it was suggested that the two levels of plateau were based on the two zero current point in 样电流。当电压钳制在- 55mv时,出现的内向电流与
In chapter 5 , the controller of resonant converter designed by myself , was introduced , in which zero current switching ( zcs ) had been realized 第五章介绍了自行设计的适合于不同谐振频率的谐振变换器的控制器,实现了变换器的软开关技术。
This paper analyses the test results gained by mixed simulation , and validates the reliability of the use of transient zero current and negative current in fault identifying 文中讨论了负序电流的分布及提取问题,试验数据同样表明负序电流用于单相接地故障识别是可行性的。
This paper discusses the size of transient zero current and the method of analyzing it . numeral simulation shows the feasibility of it . negative current at fault line is differ distinctly from non - fault line 文中讨论了零序电流暂态分量的大小和提取方法,对数字仿真和混合仿真试验数据进行分析,结果表明零序电流暂态分量用于单相接地故障识别是可行性的。
2 . we present a novel de - rail parallel resonant zero voltage transition three - phase pwm voltage - source inverter which is based on resonant zero voltage ( zero current ) transition technique ; at the same time it ' s efficiency analysis and simulation result are presented . 3 把谐振过渡软开关技术应用于直流环节逆变器得到了一种新的谐振过渡软开关逆变器;论文对该新型谐振过渡软开关逆变器进行了工作原理、效率分析并对主电路进行了仿真。
All the power devices including main switches and auxiliary switches are in soft - switching condition ( zvs or zcs ) , while the freewheeling diodes are turned off in zero current condition . besides , the control of resonance between inductance and capacitor can be easily realized without needing of setting the threshold values of the inductance current 该电路中主开关和辅助开关均满足zvs或zcs条件,续流二极管也工作在软关断方式,并且电感和电容之间的谐振控制不需要设定电感电流阈值,控制逻辑简单,可实现四象限运行。
The principle and application of zero current switching boost pfc circuit are given . by introducing the development of ac / dc module with pfc the key techniques of the module are stressed on the engineering design . some problems are resolved such as the module is so small that spread the hot difficulty 从理论上分析和研究了零电流开关升压式pfc电路的原理和应用,并结合250w带pfc电路ac dc模块的研制,从工程设计角度重点阐述了该模块的关键技术,解决了模块体积小、散热困难及工艺等方面的难题。
Discussion is made on photocurrent output , injection current output and zero current output for photoreceiving pn junction by means of i - v equation of photoreceiving pn junction . further survey is carried out on physical elements of the injection photodetector followed by description of some experiment subjects 本文推导金属球的雷达散射截面,同时讨论金属球散射的三个区域,金属球本身是一个良好的雷达目标,同时又是测量目标雷达截面的参考标准,因此还研究了金属球的尺寸、导电性能和球壳的厚度,给出了测量结果
Conventional hard switching technology has several flaws below : on and off loss , inductive off , capacitive on and diode recover problems . comparing with it , the loss of on and off decreases markedly , as the switches are on and off in zero voltage or zero current cases . and also the size of converter becomes smaller because of the higher of switching frequency 传统硬开关技术由于存在开通关断损耗大、感性关断、容性开通、二极管反向恢复等问题,与之相比,软开关技术在零电压或零电流条件下导通,开关损耗明显降低,加上开关频率的提高使得变换器的体积得以减小,这也是软开关技术受到青睐的原因。
When the motorcycle is braking or slowing down , the kinetic and / or potential energy is fed back to the battery , so the running distance can be extended and the energy efficiency is improved . an asynchronous motor is employed in this new system which can overcome the traditional dc drive system bugs and to reduce the cost and maintenance . in addition , the switches of dc / dc converter switch under zero current and zero voltage conditions , which can also reduce the switch losses , electro magnetic interference ( emi ) and prolong its life 该系统在功能上实现了车辆刹车减速或下坡制动时能量的回馈,达到节能、提高能量使用效率和增加车辆行驶距离的目的;采用交流异步电机,克服了传统直流驱动系统的诸多缺陷,降低了成本,减少了维护;采用zczvs技术,降低了电磁干扰和损耗,提高了效率;另外,在逆变主电路中采用ipm模块,简化了系统结构,节约了空间,提高了整个系统的可靠性和经济性。